A space for dialogue, critique, and inspiration within Portland’s social movements.

A hand holds a rose over broken glass

Rose City Radical is a bi-monthly, locally based, and cooperatively operated newspaper by and for working class Portlanders. At a time of many social crises—we amplify the perspectives of those fighting for a world based in equality, care, and love. Responding to a lack of quality media coverage on radical social movements and organizing, we publish articles that reflect on current possibilities at the local scale, offer constructive critical analysis, and inspire transformative action.

Artwork by NO! Inc

Hands with herbs in mortar and pestle and a jar that says FTP meaning fuck the police.

Is print dead? We think not. In an era dominated by social media and 24-hour news cycles, we believe that slowing down and listening to each other can make all the difference. Every two months, we publish a real print newspaper that can be found on the streets of Portland and in local cafes, shops, and community spaces.

Rose City Radical is entirely grassroots in operation and content. All decisions about the newspaper are made by members of the collective during weekly meetings. Want to get involved? One of the best ways to contribute to RCR is by submitting articles or artwork! Please see our submissions page for contact info. If you would like to join the cooperative or become a sustainer, check out our “about” page to find out more about how we operate.